Ballad of Chains
When you join the College of Runes at 3rd level, you have learned to weave disruptive melodies that bind your targets, sapping their strength and resolve.

Whenever you use your Bardic Inspiration feature, you can choose to instead grant the inspiration to a creature. However, rather than adding the die to their next roll, the creature must subtract the Bardic Inspiration die from their next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.

Song of Energy
Also at 3rd level, you have learned to channel the restorative power of the runes through your bardic performances.

As an action, you can perform a song or recitation that lasts for at least 1 minute. At the end of the performance, you can have all creatures that were within 60 feet and able to hear you make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC.

On a successful save, the creature regains the benefits of a short rest, including regaining hit points, Hit Dice, and expended spell slots. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1), and you regain all expended uses after a long rest.

Restraining Order
By 6th level, you have mastered the art of weaving binding runes into your bardic performances, allowing you to temporarily restrain your foes.

As an action, you can make a Charisma check contested by the Wisdom check of a creature you can see within 60 feet. If your Charisma check exceeds the creature’s Wisdom check, the target becomes restrained for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier minus the target’s Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 round).

Binding Words
At 14th level, you have unlocked the power to forge mystical contracts between willing parties, binding them to the terms of your Runic agreements.

As an action, you can create a contract between two willing creatures within 60 feet of you. You must clearly state the terms and conditions of the contract, which can include any reasonable and achievable goals, promises, or obligations.

Once the contract is established, it becomes magically binding. If either party fails to uphold their end of the bargain, they suffer the dire consequences detailed in the contract. These consequences are determined by you when creating the contract and can range from debilitating curses to severe punishments.

The contract remains in effect until its terms are fulfilled by both parties or until one party breaks the agreement, triggering the predetermined consequences. You can have a number of active contracts equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).