Chain Mastery
Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you become proficient with chains.

Your familiarity and expertise with chains allows you to wield them with great skill in combat. You gain the following benefits:

  • You are proficient with chains
  • When you make an attack with a chain, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls.
  • You can use a chain to make both melee and ranged attacks, with a range of 10 feet.

Starting at 3rd level, you have learned to imbue your own body with the power of ancient runes, forging a mystical bond that grants you unique abilities.

You begin with 1 Runebound rune of your choice from the list below. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one Runebound rune you know with a different one from the list.

Whenever you fulfill the bounds of a Runebound rune, you gain the associated bonus for 1d4 days. Your Rune Magic save DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.

Fighter LevelNumber of Runes
Runebound RuneConditionBonus
Blaze RuneSurvive being affected by 4 fire-based spells or attacksAura around your weapon deals an extra 1d4 + Con modifier fire damage on hit.
Guardian RuneProtect an ally from a total of 400 points of damageOnce per long rest, use your reaction to intercept an attack directed at an ally within 5 feet of you.
Swift RuneDash or use your bonus action to Disengage a total of 10 timesMovement speed increases by 10 feet, and you can take the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action.
Vitality RuneRegain a total of 200 hit points through healing spells, abilities, or potionsMaximum hit points increase by an amount equal to your level, and you have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
Shadowstep RuneSuccessfully hide or become invisible a total of 10 timesOnce per short rest, teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see, starting and ending in dim light or darkness.
Thunder RuneSurvive being affected by 4 lightning-based spells or attacksGain resistance to lightning damage and once per long rest, create a thunderous blast dealing 2d8 thunder damage to nearby creatures.
Insight RuneSucceed on 5 Intelligence (Investigation) checks or Wisdom (Insight) checksGain proficiency in Investigation and Insight skills, and have advantage on those checks.
Stoneheart RuneSurvive being affected by 4 petrification effects or spellsAdvantage on saving throws against being petrified and once per long rest, become immune to petrification for 1 minute.
Lifedrain RuneDefeat or destroy a total of 10 undead creaturesWhen you hit an undead creature with a melee attack, regain hit points equal to half the damage dealt.
Feybound RuneSuccessfully resist being charmed or frightened a total of 10 timesAdvantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, and advantage on Persuasion and Insight checks against fey creatures.
Frostbound RuneSurvive being affected by 4 cold-based spells or attacksResistance to cold damage and reduce the speed of hit creatures by 10 feet on a successful hit.
Mindbind RuneSuccessfully resist being charmed or frightened a total of 10 timesAdvantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened and the ability to force a creature to make a Wisdom saving throw to be charmed or frightened.
Blight RuneSurvive being affected by 4 necrotic-based spells or attacksResistance to necrotic damage and deal additional necrotic damage when hitting undead creatures.
Stormheart RuneSurvive being affected by 4 thunder-based spells or attacksResistance to thunder damage and the ability to unleash a thunderous roar, deafening and pushing creatures away.
Warding RuneSuccessfully resist being targeted by 10 harmful spells or effectsAdvantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects and the ability to automatically succeed on a saving throw once per long rest.
Soulfire RuneSurvive being affected by 4 radiant-based spells or attacksResistance to radiant damage and the ability to frighten undead creatures on a successful hit.
Earthbound RuneSuccessfully resist being knocked prone or restrained a total of 10 timesAdvantage on saving throws against being knocked prone or restrained and the ability to end one effect causing restraint.
Whispering RuneSuccessfully resist being targeted by 10 harmful illusions or enchantmentsAdvantage on saving throws against illusions and enchantments and advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks to determine the nature of illusions.
Bloodstrike RuneSurvive being affected by 4 slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning attacksDeal bleed damage on a successful hit equal to your Constitution modifier.
Moonshadow RuneSuccessfully resist being blinded or incapacitated a total of 10 timesAdvantage on saving throws against being blinded or incapacitated and the ability to cast Darkness centered on yourself once per long rest.
Bare Body Combat
At 3rd level, you have mastered the art of unarmored combat, allowing you to harness the natural resilience of your own body as a means of defense.

While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can still benefit from this feature if you are wielding a shield.

Action Bound
Starting at 7th level, you can forge a powerful mystic bond between your actions and the runes you’ve bound to your body. After you complete a long rest, you can choose a specific goal or task that you wish to accomplish, and your Runebound runes will become active in service of that objective.

To activate this feature, you must state your intended goal to the DM, who will determine if it is reasonable and achievable within the context of the current situation. Once the DM accepts your goal, all of your Runebound runes become active for the duration of your attempt to complete that objective.

If you fail in your goal, the next time you take a long rest, you lose the benefits of this feature and cannot use it again for 1d4 days. Additionally, all of your Runebound runes are disabled for the same 1d4 day period.

Rune and Bones
Starting at 10th level, the arcane power of your Runebound runes imbues your very bones and sinews, granting you enhanced physical resilience.

Whenever you are benefiting from the effects of one or more Runebound runes, you gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class. However, while this feature is active, you are unable to use a shield.

Runic Empowerment
At 15th level, you can harness the full fury of your Runebound runes, temporarily sacrificing your defenses to unleash devastating attacks.

As a bonus action, you can drop your Armor Class to 1 until the end of your next turn. In return, the next weapon attack you make before the end of your current turn automatically deals maximum damage.

At 18th level, your ability to forge mystical bonds between your actions and your Runebound runes has become even more potent. You can now set time-sensitive goals when activating your Action Bound feature.

When you use your Action Bound feature, you can now include a time limit of 1d4 hours as part of your stated goal. If you succeed in completing the goal within the allotted time, you gain an additional powerful reward, in addition to having all your Runebound runes remain active.

The specific reward for completing a Time-bound goal can be one of the following, chosen by the DM:

  1. Empowered Strikes: Your attacks are infused with extra power. For the next minute, your weapon attacks deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
  2. Evasive Maneuvers: Your agility and reflexes are heightened. For the next minute, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Constitution modifier.
  3. Spellbreaker: Your attacks disrupt magical energies. For the next minute, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack, it must make a Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on its next spellcasting ability check or saving throw.
  4. Unyielding Resolve: Your determination and willpower surge. For the next minute, you have advantage on all saving throws and resistance to all damage.
  5. Rapid Rejuvenation: Your body rapidly heals itself. You regain hit points equal to your fighter level at the start of each of your turns for the next minute.
  6. Mystic Insight: Your understanding of runes and magic deepens. For the next minute, you have advantage on all Intelligence (Arcana) and Wisdom (Insight) checks.
  7. Focused Assault: Your attacks become precision strikes. For the next minute, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
  8. Unleashed Fury: Your fighting spirit reaches its peak. For the next minute, you can add your Constitution modifier to the damage rolls of your weapon attacks.
  9. Resilient Defense: Your defenses become impenetrable. For the next minute, you have resistance to all damage except for psychic damage.
  10. Searing Vengeance: Your strikes are imbued with intense heat. For the next minute, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack, it takes additional fire damage equal to your Constitution modifier.